About Our Business

we specialize in ALL trending car freshies & wax melts. our scents & shapes are always changing, we have so much to choose from!

we service over 15 states in the USA, including wholesale.

shop The Witchy Cactus for all your fragrance needs!


The Best Car Fresheners on the Market!

ever wonder why it’s not “socially acceptable” to bring candles into your car? forget about the risk of melting wax. CAR FRESHIES are a unique way to display creativity & decoration while also putting off an amazing scent!

Don’t like anything on your rear view mirror?

Check out our Freshie Tins! totally customizeable, compact, and stylish. simply sit one or two in your car, (in the cupholder, under the seat, etc) for an extra boost of fragrance. also works great for lockers, small rooms, offices, closets, and more!